Monday, March 9, 2009

Not a 'good' baby

I have had friends say that they are blessed because they have such 'good' babies compared to mine. Blessed because their babies have been weaned at or before their first year. Blessed because their babies don't fuss when they are laid down to sleep for the night in a crib. Blessed because their babies fall asleep in a pram away from their mothers arms. Blessed? How can that be?

I am blessed with my Kalan. Blessed that he will not accept a substitute for the breast. Blessed that he will only sleep by my side or in my arms. Blessed because he would not allow mothering that was not first class and, because of it, has opened up a world to me that few mothers know. I know what it is to sleep the most peaceful sleep- all warm and fuzzy inside with my little one cuddled up next to me.

I know what it means to make the foundations of his world safe and secure, and to be able to give him a gift that can be given only now, but will last for the rest of his life. I experience the depth of love between us and know that 'you reap what you sow'.

There have been many times where it has been hard- attachment parenting is made difficult by our culture and society today, but we now reap the benefits in so many ways.

There is so much joy in my relationship with Kalan. Love seems to beget love and it just seems to get better every day. Thank you, Kalan, for being persistent and for teaching me so much about being a mother...I am blessed!

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