Monday, March 30, 2009

blog happy : )

Wow, some days I cant find the time to post once, and today I am going for my second!
So we had a bit of a breakthrough today- Kalan is now sleeping in his cot...well my aim is for him to spend the majority of his sleeping life in his own ved, but we'll see how we go. Today he had his morning sleep in his cot, i think that is probably only the second time he has slept in it (he's 6 months now!) It was alot easier than i expected. I fed him in the chair that I put in his nursery, and he fell asleep in my arms. It was great to not have any tears the first time we tried! Then tonight i did the same. He did have a few tears, but i picked him up, held him, fed him again, and he went back in there. Again, a lot easier than I imagined. Now I am not saying that he wont sleep with me at all anymore- I would miss him far too much for that! But I think this is maybe whats best for all of us...I cant wait to have Chris back in my bed- it has felt like I have a room mate lately, not a partner! But of course K is my first priority, and I feel that what he have done in the last few months has been the perfect way to bring him into the world. He has no doubt in his mind that he is loved, and I hope this will make the transition easier...if not, its back to 12 hours of snuggles at night!
Well, i will definitely keep you posted on my progress, but for now, it is time for me to go an enjoy my own bed for a little while!'
Ps. How could you not enjoy sleeping in a room this cute:

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